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Lions's Mane Hydne Herisson Yamabu shiitake
La Mycosphère Champignon Yamabushiitaké Lion's Manes
Culture champignons mycelium Hericium
Lions's Mane Hydne Herisson Yamabu shiitake
La Mycosphère Champignon Yamabushiitaké Lion's Manes
Culture champignons mycelium Hericium

Organic Lion's Mane Mycelium Grain Spawn

For dried mushrooms or Lion's Mane powder it's here.

  • 🍄 MYCELIUM ON LION'S MANE SEEDS: Hericium erinaceus, also known as yamabushiitake, famous for its neurological benefits and medicinal properties.
  • 🌱 EXCELLENT INCUBATION: Lion's Mane mycelium is known for its speed of incubation and its ability to produce regular and abundant harvests.
  • 💪 COGNITIVE BENEFITS: Contains bioactive compounds such as hericenones and erinacins, known to stimulate the growth of nerve cells and improve cognitive function.
  • 🍽️ TASTE QUALITY: Delicate flavor reminiscent of seafood, perfect for various culinary dishes.
  • 🌍 LOCAL AND ORGANIC PRODUCTION: Certified “BE-BIO-01” by Certisys, guaranteeing an environmentally friendly and high quality product.
€14,50 Sale
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For dried mushrooms or Lion's Mane powder click here.

Lion's manes (Hericium Erinaceus, Hedgehog Hydne, White Pom Poms, Lions' Mane) have a taste and texture reminiscent of seafood, scallops for some, lobster or crab for others . They can simply be eaten sliced ​​and fried like most other mushrooms.

Cousins ​​of sheep's feet, they also produce hydnes (small white spines) when they reach maturity. We harvest them before the hydnes exceed 5 mm to preserve their taste qualities and improve conservation. It is a rare and protected variety that cannot be harvested in the wild.

Its incubation can be very rapid (+-10 days). Its fruiting takes around 2 weeks before the first harvest. It is generally grown on sawdust and adapts to a wide range of temperatures. It is best grown indoors, but some grow it outdoors.

At the medicinal level, various studies confirm the presence in hedgehog hydnes of two phenolic components (erinacins and hericenone) which promote the regeneration of neurons. Particularly at the level of the hippocampus which manages memory functions. It is therefore used in the prevention and treatment of Alzheimer’s (1). Other components (five kinds of saponins) have a beneficial effect on the treatment of stomach ulcers and inflammation of the digestive tract.

(1) :

This is mycelium on mycelium on grains , to produce your own substrates. If you are new to growing mushrooms, it is best to order our ready-to-grow bundles .

The lion's mane mycelium is quite thin and fragile. It is nevertheless quite vigorous, but it is best to use it within a week of receiving it, storing it in the fridge in the meantime.

 Conservation of mycelium : 1 month in the fridge

 See also “ How to use our mycelia”


Our commitment to quality:


We produce our mycelia in laboratory conditions, which guarantees the purity of the varieties and optimal quality.


We produce our mycelia 100% organically and all our products are certified “ BE-BIO-01, Agriculture Belgium ” by CERTISYS.

Logo BEBIO01


Cultural conditions

Lion's Manes can grow all year round in temperatures ranging from 10 to 25°. For fruiting, avoid drafts and temperature variations. They like high humidity but cannot tolerate being directly wet.


They are generally grown on a substrate made from enriched sawdust and pasteurized or sterilized.

Pasteurized straw and other lino-cellulose materials could be used as alternatives.

We recommend our ready-to-use substrate , particularly suitable for wood-eating varieties.

Cultural settings


5-10% mycelium on grains /wet substrate


Incubation temperature       21-24°C
Incubation period 10-14 days
Light requirement n/a

Initiation of primordia

Initiation temperature        10 to 16°C
Relative humidity 95 to 100%
Initiation period 7-15 days
C02 concentration 500 – 700 ppm
Fresh air exchange 4 to 8 volume/h
Light requirement 500 to 1000lux


Fruiting temperature        12-25°C.
Relative humidity 85 to 95%
Fruiting duration 4 to 8 days
C02 concentration 500-1000ppm
Fresh air exchange 4 to 8 volume/h
Light requirement 500 to 1000lux
Number of harvest

2 to 3 harvests, 10-15 days apart


These data come in particular from the book “Growing gourmet and medicinal mushrooms” by P. Stamets. They are given as indications, each myciculturist having particular growing conditions, there may be individual variations.


The fruiting bodies form hairballs of irregular sizes, ranging from a golf ball to a large tennis ball. Dimensions vary mainly depending on the size of the substrates.

200-250 gr of fresh mushrooms for 1 kg of wet substrate over 2-3 harvests.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
A Lefevre
Un excellent produit pour cultiver des champignons à la maison !

Je suis satisfait, le kit de lion's mane est arrivé rapidement et en bon état. Les instructions étaient simples à suivre, et j'ai eu des champignons de qualité en peu de temps. Le goût est fantastique et la culture a été une expérience agréable. Je recommande vivement ce produit !

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
A Lefevre
Un excellent produit pour cultiver des champignons à la maison !

Je suis satisfait, le kit de lion's mane est arrivé rapidement et en bon état. Les instructions étaient simples à suivre, et j'ai eu des champignons de qualité en peu de temps. Le goût est fantastique et la culture a été une expérience agréable. Je recommande vivement ce produit !

Organic Lion's Mane Mycelium Grain Spawn

Organic Lion's Mane Mycelium Grain Spawn
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