Let's go !
If you have never grown mushrooms and want to grow them indoors at home , the easiest way is to start with Ready-to-Grow Ballots . To go further, you can produce your own straw-based substrates, for example which you will seed with our Mycelia on grains .
In outdoor cultivation you can easily inoculate logs with our peg mycelium and mulch with our stropharia mycelium.
Produce mushrooms
The products below will allow you to discover the steps necessary for mushroom production. We master the manufacturing process of each of them and we support you towards autonomy.

Ready-to-Push Bales (Harvest)
If you have never grown mushrooms, the easiest way is to start with Ready-to-Grow Kits or Balls
The substrate is already colonized by the mycelium and arrives ready to fruit. All you have to do is place it in a place protected from drafts, with indirect light, maintain constant humidity and harvest at the right time.
The most common varieties found in stores are button mushrooms, oyster mushrooms and shiitake mushrooms. The majority of current mushroom farms operate by purchasing ready-to-grow substrates from specialized suppliers.
We supply growing bales, the same ones we use for our own production. We also offer an oyster mushroom kit that is a little more aesthetically worked with boxes that we screen print by hand.
By difficulty:
Level 1: Ready-to-grow bales of Button Mushrooms, Oyster Mushrooms
Level 2: Ready-to-grow bales of Shiitakes, Eryngiis and other varieties.
See all oyster mushroom kits and bundles

Substrates (mushroom food)
The substrate allows the mushrooms to develop after being seeded by the mycelium on grain.
Our pelletized substrate is optimized for the production of woody mushrooms. We studied the composition of the different ingredients to provide the mycelium with an optimal substrate in terms of the carbon/nitrogen ratio, sugars and minerals.
These substrates are generally pasteurized with heat or lime before being seeded with mycelium and placed in bags, buckets or other depending on the cultivation techniques.
We also offer suitable growing bags . These are equipped with a micro-filter which allows the mycelium to breathe but prevents the entry of possible contaminants (mainly bacteria and mold).
To go a little further:
You can learn how to make your own substrates.
You can then use local resources such as straw, sawdust, shavings, logs, coffee grounds, etc.

Mycelium on Grain (Seeds)
Seed manufacturing is the most delicate stage because it requires fairly advanced hygienic conditions. We manufacture our mycelia under laboratory conditions, which guarantees the quality and purity of our strains.
You can consult this page for more information: How to use our Mycelia
We produce our mycelia on organic cereal grains . These cereals are an important source of sugars and nitrogen for the mycelia, which gives them good vigor for the colonization of substrates.
To go a little further:
You can learn how to make “homemade mycelium” with a little suitable equipment: pressure cooker, bunsen burner, glove box, jars, disinfectant alcohol...
We provide you with liquid mycelium cultures which allow you to start cultivating your mycelia on grains on petri dishes or on grains.