Ballot de Maïtaké Bio

Mycelium on organic Maïtake grains

• Maitake, also known as “dancing mushroom,” is renowned for its health benefits.
• It is rich in nutrients and antioxidants.
• Its delicate flavor and pleasant texture make it a versatile ingredient for many recipes.
• Complex to produce, even for professionals
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Grifola frondosa, Tufted Polypore, Hen of the Woods

Maitake, Grifola frondosa, is not only a good edible mushroom, but also an excellent medicinal mushroom used for centuries in traditional Chinese and Japanese medicines.

The active ingredients particularly sought after in maitake are D-Frcation and MD-fraction derived from complex sugars of the beta-glucan type which can be found in this mushroom. These components are particularly studied for their immunostimulating and anti-tumor properties. (1,2), reduction of diabetes (3) and hypertension (4).

Its cultivation is generally done indoors on substrates based on sterilized enriched sawdust, or outdoors on wooden logs inoculated with dowels. His favorite species are chestnuts and oaks.

Please note that the fruiting of this mushroom is relatively more complex than most other cultivated mushrooms and is therefore more intended for experienced mushroom growers.

Mycelium storage: 1 month in the fridge

 See also “ How to use our mycelia”


Our commitment to quality:


We produce our mycelia in laboratory conditions, which guarantees the purity of the varieties and optimal quality.


We produce our mycelia 100% organically and all our products are certified “ BE-BIO-01, Agriculture Belgium ” by CERTISYS.

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(1) A Polysaccharide extracted from Grifola frondosa enhances the anti-tumor activity of bone marrow-derived dentritic cell-based immunotherapy against murine colon cancer. Masuda Y, Ito K, Konishi M, Nanba H. Cancer Immunol Immunother. 2010.

(2) Maitake extracts and their therapeutic potential - A review. Mayell M. Alt Med Rev, 2001;6.

(3) Anti-diabetic activity present in the fruit body of Grifola frondosa (Maitake). Kubo K, Aoki H, Nanba H. Biol Pharm Bull. 1994; 17:1106-1110.

(4) Blood pressure lowering activity present in the fruit body of Grifola frondosa. Adachi K, Nanba H, Otsuka M, Kuroda H. Chen Pharm Bull. 1988;36:1000-1006


Growing conditions

Maitake prefer cool temperatures of 10 to 15-18°. They need constant high humidity at the beginning of fruiting, which gradually decreases until harvest.


Indoor cultivation: pasteurized/sterilized enriched sawdust. We recommend our ready-to-use substrate , particularly suitable for wood-eating varieties.

Outdoor cultivation: Wooden logs (chestnut trees, oaks) semi or completely buried.

Crop Settings


5-10% grain/wet substrate


21-24° 2 to 4 weeks + 4 weeks of rest

Primordia formation temperature:


Fruiting parameters

Temperature     12-18°C. 
Air CO2: 2000-5000ppm.
Light 100-500 lux.
Relative humidity 80-90%
Harvests 1 to 2 flushes 4 weeks apart.


Average of 100-200 gr. of fresh mushrooms per 1 kg of wet substrate on a harvest.


Mycelium on organic Maïtake grains

Mycelium on organic Maïtake grains
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