culture mycélium champignon pleurote rose
Djamor oyster mushroom
culture mycélium champignon pleurote rose
Djamor oyster mushroom

Organic Pink Oyster Mushroom Grain Spawn

  • 🍄 MYCELIUM ON PINK OYSTER MUSH GRAINS: Pleurotus djamor, an exotic and colorful variety, ideal for growing indoors and outdoors.
  • 🌱 HEAT-RESISTANT VARIETY: Suitable for summer temperatures and hot climates.
  • 💪 ROBUSTNESS: The mycelium of the Pink Oyster Mushroom is aggressive, quickly colonizes its substrate and resists contamination, with very rapid incubation.
  • ☀️ BRIGHTNESS REQUIREMENT: The beautiful pink color develops best with good brightness and high temperatures.
  • 🌍 LOCAL AND ORGANIC PRODUCTION: Certified “BE-BIO-01” by Certisys, guaranteeing an environmentally friendly product.
  • €14,50 Sale
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    The Pink Oyster Mushroom (Pleurotus salmoneostramineus) is native to Southeast Asia. This mushroom particularly appreciates heat, with an ideal temperature of 25-30°C. It is therefore mainly cultivated in summer in European countries. Avoid periods of prolonged cold which can harm the mycelium.

    🎨The fruit colors, ranging from light to dark pink, are beautiful and growing is relatively easy. This variety is robust and resistant to contamination.

    The hats measure between 3 and 7 cm. To develop a beautiful pink color, mushrooms need indirect light. Fruiting is very rapid, so it is advisable to harvest the fruits young, when the edges of the caps are still curved downwards. If mushrooms are harvested later, they tend to be firmer and fibrous. In terms of taste, they are similar to gray oyster mushrooms with a slight bitterness.

    ❄️ Mycelium conservation: 2-4 weeks. Unlike other varieties of pink oyster mushrooms, this one can withstand temperatures of up to 4°C. The ideal is to store it at 6-8°C and use it quickly.

    👉 See also: How to use our mycelia

    Our commitment to quality:


    We produce our mycelia in laboratory conditions, which guarantees the purity of the varieties and optimal quality.


    We produce our myceliums in a 100% organic way and all our products are certified "BE-BIO-01, Agriculture Belgium" by CERTISYS.

    Logo BEBIO01

    🌱 Growing conditions

    Pink oyster mushrooms need more heat than other varieties of oyster mushrooms. They grow well between 20 and 30°C. Maintain high humidity at the start of fruiting and avoid drafts and cool temperatures. Their beautiful pink color develops best with high brightness.

    🛠️ Substrates

    In indoor cultivation: Use pasteurized straw, pasteurized sawdust or other lignocellulosic materials.

    We recommend our organic straw pellets which work particularly well with oyster mushrooms, by simply adding 1 teaspoon of lime and 2 liters of cold water per kilo of pellets. 

    Our wood sawdust-based substrate suitable for lignivorous varieties will work very well too.

    📊 Culture settings

    Inoculation: 5-10% of mycelium on grains/moist substrate

    Phase Temperature Duration Humidity Light CO2 Fresh air
    Incubation 24-30°C 7-15 days. Colonization is much faster on straw than on sawdust. - n/a n/a n/a
    Initiation of primordias 18-25°C 2-4 days 95-100% 1000-2000 lux 500-1000 ppm 5 to 8 volumes/h
    Fructification 20-30°C 3-5 days, depending on the temperatures 85-90% 750-1500 lux 500-1500 ppm 5 to 8 volumes/h

    📚 This data comes from the book “Growing Gourmet and Medicinal Mushrooms” by P. Stamets. They are given as an indication, each myciculturist having particular growing conditions, there may be individual variations.

    📈 Productivity

    Average harvest of 150-250 g of fresh mushrooms per 1 kg of wet substrate, over 2 to 3 harvests.

    Customer Reviews

    Based on 4 reviews
    Charles Auquière
    Simple et efficace

    Excellents produits, très facile à mettre en œuvre. La qualité est au rendez-vous et le résultat ne se fait pas attendre. Explications claires. Reste plus qu'à voir si les pleurotes roses sont bons ;-)

    Merci pour votre retour en image ;) Bonne dégustation !

    Janeen Ison
    Winter arrival

    My mycelium took a long time to arrive, so I ended up having to plant it in mid-December. I don't know whether the mushrooms will proliferate.

    Hello, thank you for your review. Our production times can vary, but we always strive to get orders out as quickly as possible. We sent your order after 8 days, wich is quite fast actually. It's quicker than what you can usually attend from our delay of production :
    We understand your concern about planting in mid-December, but our mycelium is known for its resilience and adaptability. We hope that you will still have a successful harvest. Thank you for choosing our product.

    rodolphe fiquet

    Le sac était ouvert sur 5 cms

    Loreena Faucher

    Bien, mais beaucoup moins colonisé et qualitatif que les dernières fois.

    Merci pour votre retour. Nous sommes heureux que vous ayez apprécié notre produit, bien que nous soyons désolés d'apprendre qu'il n'a pas répondu à vos attentes cette fois-ci. Le mycélium de pleurote rose peut avoir un aspect moins dense et moins blanc que les pleurotes gris, et ils peuvent être un peu plus délicats à faire fructifier. La température joue également un rôle important à ce niveau-là. N'hésitez pas à nous contacter si vous avez besoin d'aide pour obtenir de meilleurs résultats. Merci encore et bonne journée !

    Reviews in Other Languages

    Customer Reviews

    Based on 4 reviews
    Charles Auquière
    Simple et efficace

    Excellents produits, très facile à mettre en œuvre. La qualité est au rendez-vous et le résultat ne se fait pas attendre. Explications claires. Reste plus qu'à voir si les pleurotes roses sont bons ;-)

    Merci pour votre retour en image ;) Bonne dégustation !

    Janeen Ison
    Winter arrival

    My mycelium took a long time to arrive, so I ended up having to plant it in mid-December. I don't know whether the mushrooms will proliferate.

    Hello, thank you for your review. Our production times can vary, but we always strive to get orders out as quickly as possible. We sent your order after 8 days, wich is quite fast actually. It's quicker than what you can usually attend from our delay of production :
    We understand your concern about planting in mid-December, but our mycelium is known for its resilience and adaptability. We hope that you will still have a successful harvest. Thank you for choosing our product.

    rodolphe fiquet

    Le sac était ouvert sur 5 cms

    Loreena Faucher

    Bien, mais beaucoup moins colonisé et qualitatif que les dernières fois.

    Merci pour votre retour. Nous sommes heureux que vous ayez apprécié notre produit, bien que nous soyons désolés d'apprendre qu'il n'a pas répondu à vos attentes cette fois-ci. Le mycélium de pleurote rose peut avoir un aspect moins dense et moins blanc que les pleurotes gris, et ils peuvent être un peu plus délicats à faire fructifier. La température joue également un rôle important à ce niveau-là. N'hésitez pas à nous contacter si vous avez besoin d'aide pour obtenir de meilleurs résultats. Merci encore et bonne journée !

    Reviews in Other Languages

    Organic Pink Oyster Mushroom Grain Spawn

    Organic Pink Oyster Mushroom Grain Spawn
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