Consultation Mycosphere

Consultation Myciculture

  • Unique Expertise: More than 10 years of experience, projects in Europe and Africa, adapted solutions.
  • Complete Solutions: From varietal selection to fruiting, personalized and “low-tech” techniques.
  • Optimization of layouts: Design of cultivation spaces, maximization of yield.
  • Personalized Support: Management of calendars, business plans, laboratory techniques, telephone or videoconference consultations.
€45,00 Sale
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Mushroom Cultivation Consultancy

The objective of our consultancy is to share our know-how and knowledge from 10 years of professional experience in mushroom production.

Our Areas of Expertise

  • Production and Cultivation of Wood Mushrooms: From varietal selection to fruiting, including the manufacture of substrates and incubation.
  • Specific Technical Itineraries: Advice adapted to each variety of mushroom.
  • Layout and Design of Spaces: Optimization of cultivation spaces, based on our experience of moving sites 4 times in 9 years.
  • Low-Tech Systems: Support for projects in Europe and Africa, adapted to small and medium scales.
  • Management of Production Calendars: Planning and optimization of production cycles.
  • Support with Business Plans: Development and implementation of commercial strategies.
  • Laboratory Techniques: Maintenance and reproduction of mycelia, culture on agar or liquid media, multiplication substrates.

For optimal preparation, please send us by email the points you wish to address during the interview.

Appointments are made by email one week in advance. We are available in the morning, from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m., Monday to Friday. The consultation can be done by telephone, Google Meet or other means of videoconferencing.

Please note that our native language is French, so we will make an effort to express ourselves as best as possible in English.

Consultation Myciculture

Consultation Myciculture
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