Les champignons vont sauver le monde: Les pouvoirs insoupçonnés du mycelium
Les champignons vont sauver le monde: Les pouvoirs insoupçonnés du mycelium
Les champignons vont sauver le monde: Les pouvoirs insoupçonnés du mycelium
Les champignons vont sauver le monde: Les pouvoirs insoupçonnés du mycelium
Les champignons vont sauver le monde: Les pouvoirs insoupçonnés du mycelium
Les champignons vont sauver le monde: Les pouvoirs insoupçonnés du mycelium
Les champignons vont sauver le monde: Les pouvoirs insoupçonnés du mycelium
Les champignons vont sauver le monde: Les pouvoirs insoupçonnés du mycelium

Book: Mushrooms will save the world: The unsuspected powers of mycelium

  • Un contenu à la pointe de la recherche scientifique, basé sur les propres expériences de Paul Stamets et celles de la communauté scientifique mondiale.
  • Un manuel pratique pour cultiver chez soi des champignons comestibles et médicinaux, incluant des instructions détaillées.
  • De magnifiques photographies et des illustrations claires pour une meilleure compréhension.
  • Une présentation pédagogique des applications des champignons dans divers domaines : agriculture, alimentation, santé, et dépollution environnementale.
$39.00 Sale
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Paul Stamets, an internationally renowned mycologist, is a pioneer in the study of fungi and their potential to solve major ecological problems. With decades of research under his belt, he is considered one of the world's experts in applied mycology. His groundbreaking work on the role of mycelium in ecosystem regeneration has attracted growing interest around the world. Paul Stamets lives in the United States, where he continues to innovate in mushroom science.


What if mushrooms could save the environment and the world? is a fascinating and accessible work which reveals the incredible potential of mushrooms to transform our relationship with the environment. Paul Stamets explains in a clear and documented manner how the mycelium, the underground part of the mushroom, acts as a real natural network capable of recycling carbon, purifying polluted soils and regenerating ecosystems.

Through concrete examples and cutting-edge scientific discoveries, the author shows how mushrooms can be used to:

  • Break down toxic waste and industrial pollutants using mycoremediation.
  • Control harmful insect populations naturally.
  • Improve the health of forests, gardens and agricultural crops.
  • Contribute to the depollution of soils and waterways.
  • Providing solutions for medicine, nutrition and ecosystem management.

Highlights of the book:

  • Content at the forefront of scientific research, based on Paul Stamets' own experiences and those of the global scientific community.
  • A practical manual for growing edible and medicinal mushrooms at home, including detailed instructions.
  • Magnificent photographs and clear illustrations for better understanding.
  • An educational presentation of the applications of mushrooms in various fields: agriculture, food, health, and environmental pollution control.


This book proposes a true ecological revolution by highlighting the essential role of mushrooms in protecting the environment. Paul Stamets demonstrates that fungi are not only fascinating organisms, but also valuable allies in fighting pollution, restoring degraded ecosystems and nourishing a planet in crisis. Rich in lessons and practical advice, this book is aimed at novices as well as experts, including passionate ecologists and amateur gardeners.

Readers' opinions

An essential book for anyone interested in ecology and mycology. What if mushrooms could save the world? is an inspiring read that combines science, nature and practical solutions for a sustainable future.

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Book: Mushrooms will save the world: The unsuspected powers of mycelium

Book: Mushrooms will save the world: The unsuspected powers of mycelium
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